Frequently Asked Questions

Please read the questions and answers below before ordering. It will help you understand how horary astrology can help you, how it differs from birth chart astrology and how to get most out of your consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read the questions and answers below before ordering. It will help you understand how horary astrology can help you, how it differs from birth chart astrology and how to get most out of your consultation.

Horary Astrology does not rely on a birth chart. Horary astrology requires only a specific question and the astrologer reads the answer from a chart drawn for that specific question.

The Horary method addresses any subject you like and produces a degree of specificity and accuracy that is impossible to achieve by using a birth chart. Think of Horary Astrology as an oracle.

Read this article to learn more about Horary Astrology.

For Diagnostic Questions, the consultation is initially done over email until I have clarified all of the information I need about you and your condition. After that, we schedule a video meeting for me to present and discuss my findings with you. The session is recorded,  and you can download a copy for your records and future access.

For all other types of questions, I will write down the answers and email them to you, along with any comments that may be helpful to you. You can read the answer and absorb the information at your own pace, and then email me back to ask me for further clarification if you like. Occasionally, if the subject is complex I will recommend a video meeting to discuss the information given from the chart reading at no extra cost.

This type of consultation is not a counseling session per se. I primarily give you information to facilitate your understanding of your situation and your making of your own decisions.

The answer is not automated or computer-generated. It is written by a real person, myself. This is real ancient astrology; the consultation is a contact between two human beings (you and I) and those who send the answers “from above”.

The written interpretation is done entirely by hand and is customized to each consultation. A computer is used only to draw the necessary horary astrological chart and to enable us to communicate.

No. I use Horary Astrology. It is an astrological method that is much more accurate than birth chart astrology.

Horary Astrology is the only astrological method designed to answer specific questions with accuracy.

In medical questions, however, you may give me your birth chart information because I can give you useful information about your birth temperament based on the birth chart. But that is optional.

It depends on the questions. Questions that are related to the same subject can be answered together in a single consultation.

For example: does she/he love me? Will our relationship survive? When will I see her/him again? These are all related.

Will I get married and get a job? These are two unrelated questions and require separate consultations.

Questions about physical and psychological health can be answered in one consultation, as they are related and connected.

You will have to ask them one at a time by purchasing separate consultations.

Purchase a consultation and ask your most important question first. I will then give you the answer.

After you receive the answer to the first question you may ask the second question. After you receive the second answer you ask the third question, and so on. This will likely take a few days to complete.

DO NOT send me multiple unrelated questions together as this will render the consultation null and impossible to answer. Horary Astrology works by addressing one subject matter at a time.

If you have doubts about this contact me for clarification.

Yes. Friend, partner, husband, wife, children, parents are all common subjects of questions. You can also ask about celebrities, politicians, whoever. Or your pets, and even plants.

All that is required is that you have a genuine interest in who you are asking about. It does not matter whether they are close to you or not or whether you know them personally or not; yet it is rare that somebody will pay to ask about people they do not know personally. It is up to you.

First and foremost, I can accurately diagnose your state health in a similar way to how Eastern doctors (Chinese, Tibetan, Ayurveda, Unani/Greek), etc.) can. This diagnosis determines the type of imbalance in the four elements that you have. From there a series of recommendations can be offered to help you restore the balance and minimize or remove the cause of your symptoms as well as to abate the symptoms themselves.

Second, the information I provide about your health can save you time, money and aggravation by avoiding unsuitable treatments. I can tell you whether a treatment you are considering will have a positive result or not, including surgery. Likewise, I can tell you if a health practitioner is capable of helping you or not and/or I can help you choose between different practitioners.

Third, I can tell you the prognosis of your state of health.

Fourth, I can tell you what you may be doing to yourself that is contributing to your ill health. That is, I can uncover bad habits that you may not be aware of.

The information from the reading can give clarity about where you are on your spiritual path and reveal what the current challenges and lessons are. The information is invaluable to help you reset and re-align your mind with your inner compass and your spiritual goals while remaining aware and grounded in the reality presented in your daily life. 

I do not tell stories about our wonderful future as an awakening species; I tell you about things as they are for you as an individual so that you may continue doing your spiritual work based on verifiable information about your own personality and the world you live in and experience.

If you ask a “YES or NO” question, the answer may simply be YES or NO.

However, I may give you additional information that will be helpful in your specific situation, if available.

DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL QUESTIONS may take up to seven calendar days, depending on the complexity of the situation and the questions.

ALL OTHER QUESTIONS may take up to 72 hours.

All time frames are approximate and I reserve the right to extend them within reason if I need to. I am not a machine and nothing is automated. Every piece of information you receive from me is manually written. Be patient so that I may have adequate time to dedicate to your consultation.

If you have an emergency and require information fast please choose “rush service” at checkout.


It may happen that a chart is unreadable to me, so I cannot know the answer to the question. In that case, I will issue a prompt refund and the transaction is canceled.

I will not diagnose health problems using modern medical terminology. So, I cannot tell if someone has cancer, diabetes, pneumonia, covid, or any other illness using medical terminology. In fact, no astrologer can do that. If someone claims they can I suggest you stay away and go see a doctor instead.

Yes, if you wish to learn the astrology behind the consultation you may add the Horary Chart and Astrological Comments to your order.

I will write down and explain the reasoning and the technique used in the horary interpretation of your horary chart. This is like a medical astrology lesson. You can review the comments and the chart and ask me further clarification questions if you like.

Please note: this product is a license to use the the chart and the astrological comments from your Horary Interpretation exclusively for your personal use and study. Neither the chart nor the astrological comments are to be shared with third parties or published in any form without my written permission. I retain the ownership of the horary chart and the interpretation, and I reserve the right to publish them for educational and promotional purposes. Your personal information will always remain absolutely confidential.

Absolutely. Yes.

I do however hold the ownership of the horary charts and the interpretations and I reserve the right to publish them for educational and promotional purposes. Personal data, including your birth data (if given), will never be revealed without your written authorization.

Credit card and PayPal.

It takes time, knowledge, and insight to produce a horary chart interpretation. The consultation payment covers the time spent on the work performed. So, no refunds are issued in any circumstances.

This type of astrology is not necessarily about making people happy, although it may. Horary Astrology is concerned with showing things as they are in reality and reality is often uncomfortable or painful.

My service is for mature adults who know their own responsibility and are honest as to pay for a service rendered.

If you do not like the information I give you, or you do not agree with it or, if for a number of possible reasons outside my control, things turn out differently from my answers, please do not blame or harm the messenger, me.

You know what you are buying; you are buying information. I do my job and give you the information I receive from your friends above. That is the end of my commitment.

If you are unsure horary astrology is for you please do not purchase a consultation.

I received the diploma of “horary craftsman” from John Frawley, one of the greatest living masters of Traditional Astrology. And I studied Traditional Medical Astrology with Oscar Hofman. I have studied, researched, practiced, and contributed to the development of the body of Traditional Astrological Knowledge since 2005.

I offer tuition on Traditional Horary Astrology and Medical Astrology through my online Traditional Medical Astrology Academy.

In traditional medicine illness is functional weakness or distortion caused by an imbalance in the humors, or elements. For example: bronchitis (weakness in the lungs) is often caused by too much water (humoral imbalance) in the system. Illnesses are based on birth constitution and are triggered by genetic factors and the environment, and are often exacerbated by self-undoing, that is: conscious or unconscious acts of our own which cause ourselves harm.

Using an astrological chart called a “horary chart” I identify the nature of an illness and/or other physical or psychological problems using the paradigm of the four humors/elements. Once the humoral diagnosis has been performed you will know the following:

Whether you have an imbalance at all, and if so, what the imbalance is, that is: and imbalance of the “earth-air” axis or the “water-fire” axis. That imbalance is the cause or your health problems on the humoral/elemental level.

The imbalance degree. Stronger degrees require relatively stronger measures to address.

The imbalance mode, that is: whether it is acute, changeable (mutable) or fixed. The symptoms of acute imbalances, when treated correctly, tend to disappear shortly afterwards. Symptoms of a mutable imbalance, or variations, tend return in the future so, require more care and “maintenance” over time. Fixed imbalanced are more difficult to change, but depending on the degree they can be changed.

I also uncover self-undoing factors, if any are present, which can contribute to the exacerbation of illness. That is: things you may be doing to yourself which may be causing you harm.

With this knowledge you are able to take common-sense measures to improve your life and/or support other required treatments you may be undergoing.

Targeted, customized measures taken in order to balance the body and mind.

For example: someone with bronchitis because of an excess of water would take food and herbs to heat and dry the body and avoid cold and damp places. This reasoning applies to every possible illness situation.

Without humoral treatment other treatments often fail. This is one reason why modern medicine fails to heal, in most cases.

For example: arthritis is usually caused by an excess of earth that is: the person is too cold and dry. However, modern medicine in an effort to stop the symptoms and pain provides medications to treat arthritis that have the property of cooling and drying. That is, while their medications stop the symptoms for a period of time they exacerbate the root cause therefore the symptoms return and the person gets more and more ill.

Imbalanced elements can make us physically and psychologically ill. We can also make ourselves more ill and help illness instead of helping health. This is called self-undoing, or self-harm, or self-sabotaging.

If we are to heal is it beneficial and of utmost importance to uncover self-undoing factors in our lives so that we may become conscious of them, and then manage, minimize or eliminate them, thus promoting health. If any self-undoing is present in your life I can uncover it and inform you, should you want to know about it.

Yes, you can. Mainly about the quality, possible difficulties or outcome of pregnancy or of any procedure such as cesarian, etc.

As for asking whether someone is pregnant or not, pharmacy test kits are as reliable as, or more reliable than, astrology, and cheaper. But I can answer that too.

Horary astrology can be useful however to tell whether someone will or will not get pregnant, via IVF, for example. This, modern medicine cannot do, but astrology can.

I do not answer questions about baby gender. The astrological techniques available are unreliable. Just wait a bit and do medical exams.

Yes, you can ask those. The principles are the same as the body’s health principles. Generally speaking, we cry too much if there is too much water, we get depressed if we are too cold and dry (earth), we get easily angry if we have too much fire, we talk too much if we have too much air, etc.

Plus, we can gain insights into those parts of our psyche which tend to be hidden while being harmful to our overall mental, emotional and physical health. It is rare for people to ask about self-undoing but it is there to be studied for those who are ready to look into themselves and eventually be free from personal demons. Seeing them with some degree of clarity is the first step.

It is common that when their self-undoing is pointed out people reject the information, which is in the very nature of self-undoing to do so: it perpetuates suffering through ignorance. So keep that in mind when asking such questions. If you have the maturity to look at yourself impartially you will benefit from such information.

Not through astrology.

The language and conceptual paradigm of astrology are not compatible with modern diagnostic nomenclature. In order to diagnose in those terms a regular doctor should be consulted.

Astrology can confirm whether a certain organ or system is ill, but we cannot name the affliction using the same terminology that other diagnostic methods use. Therefore, no astrologer can or should answer yes or no to such questions.

In traditional healing cancer, diabetes, pneumonia or aids are considered symptoms caused by an underlying humoral imbalance. Therefore, through humoral diagnosis we can obtain information to support the treatment of complex illnesses and remove or minimize the cause of such symptoms; promoting the healing of the body and/or a better quality of life, regardless of what name they have.

If you have questions send me a message. I will reply promptly.

Medical Astrology Consultations

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